Articles on: Common issues

Preparing data for the PlanoHero service

Before starting to work with PlanoHero, we recommend to review the following materials that describe the process of collecting information that allow faster set up of the service.

An example of the format for filling in equipment parameters (pallets, stand, cash register, shop terminal, weighter (for vegetables/fruits), cart, etc. - example of collecting equipment parameters та centralised file for all types and sizes of equipment
An example of collecting parameters and details from stores - example of a store plan. If you have an AUTOCAD file, you need to remove all unnecessary things from the store plan and leave only walls and columns and save in dxf format - example of a dxf file. In the case of absence of an AUTOCAD file, it is necessary to physically measure the length, width of the walls, the presence of fake walls (zone), columns (length and width) - example of collecting store sizes in the absence of AUTOCAD
An example of the format for filling in parameters and details for products - example of collecting product parameters. If photos are added via the PlanoHero service, the file name does not matter. But if images are uploaded via a database / FTP server, the product photo must be named with the barcode, identifier, or article number of the product. The best photo formats are jpeg, gif, jpg.

Important! All parameters must be specified in meters.

An example of a product photo with parameters

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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