Articles on: View planograms

Complete set of planograms

Complectation of planograms

In the planogram view mode, you can view the planogram structure in the form of a table - a complectation of planogram. To do this, click on the tool in the left panel.

The complete set will display information on the following indicators:
Product number - the product number on the shelf from left to right;
Layout order in depth;
Layout order in height;
Faces quantity;
Placement depth;
Placement height;
Product’s stock;
Stocks quantity.

How to download a complete set of planograms?

The complete set can be saved in .xls or .pdf format. To do this, click "Download" on the top toolbar.

The saved file will contain the complete set of each shelf, box or hook, the general image of the whole rack and the image of each rack from the group separately.

Updated on: 05/09/2022

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