Articles on: View store plans

Discrete / Continuous Distribution (Store plans)

Discrete Distribution

The discrete distribution divides shelves into four groups based on the selected metric, with results displayed in colors on the store plan:

Red: 0-10%
Blue: 10-50%
Yellow: 50-90%
Green: 90-100%

To configure the desired group boundaries, enter the required values in the "Distribution Groups" column. This allows you to adapt the classification to the needs of the analysis.

Continuous Distribution

In the continuous distribution, shelves are highlighted with a single color of varying intensity. The higher the metric value, the greater the color intensity.

Metrics used for the distribution:
Sales qty
Receipts quantity
Stock qty
Stocks price
Turnover per linear meter of equipment
Profit per linear meter of equipment

How is the distribution formed?

To better understand how to use PlanoHero analytics, let's look at the main stages of distribution formation for analysing planogram performance.

Stage 1: Calculating metrics for products within the planogram

At the first stage, the main metrics for the selected period are calculated for each product included in the planogram. This data is the basis for further analysis:
The total amount of income received from the sale of products for the period.
The difference between the turnover and the cost of products.
Receipts qty
The number of unique receipts in which the product was mentioned.
Sales qty
The total number of units sold during the period.

Stage 2: Aggregation of metrics for planograms

At the second stage, for each planogram within the store, the aggregate values of metrics for all products included in it are calculated:

Sum of turnover
Sum of profits
Total qty of receipts
Total qty of sales

This data allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of planograms using the selected metric as the main criterion for analysis.

Stage 3: Generating a rating of planograms

After calculating the metrics for each planogram, we create a rating based on the following principle:

Determining the most successful planogram
The planogram with the best score is selected as the base one and is taken as 100%.
Comparing other planograms
All other planograms receive a percentage value relative to the most successful one.

For example, if planogram ‘A’ has a turnover of 10,000 (100%) and planogram B has a turnover of 8,000, its rating will be 80%.

Important! Keep in mind that PlanoHero does not track which stand the product was sold from. Therefore, if one product is placed in several planograms and was sold during the specified period, its sales are taken into account in all planograms where it is present. Example: Coca-Cola is placed on three planograms and 5 units were sold during the period. These 5 sales are recorded simultaneously in all three planograms.

How are metrics calculated in discrete analysis?

The primary subject of analysis is the share used to evaluate various aspects of store operations.

The shares of turnover, number of sales, number of receipts, profit, and stock are calculated using the following formula:
n = (n₁ × 100) / n₂

n – the share of the metric to be determined (turnover, number of sales, profit, etc.).
n₁ – the value of the metric from which the share needs to be calculated (turnover, number of sales, number of receipts, profit, and stock quantity on equipment).
n₂ – the sum of the values of the respective metric (n₁) for all equipment on the store plan.

Example: Determining the share of turnover for the "Beer" stand from the store's total turnover:
n₁ - turnover for the "Beer" stand during the selected period.
n₂ - total turnover of all store shelves for the selected period.
Share of turnover for the "Beer" stand = (7014,60 × 100) / 65480,75 = 11%

Important! The result is rounded to two decimal places.

General metrics used in analytics

Note! Data from receipts marked with is_excluded = 1 are not included in the calculations. The figures are calculated only on the basis of sales receipts, excluding refund receipts.

Turnover - the amount of cash receipts from sales of products for the selected period. The calculation is based on data from sales receipts.
Profit - the difference between the amount of revenue from the sale of a product and the cost price of a product. The calculation is based on data from sales receipts.
Sales quantity - the total number of units sold for the selected period. The calculation is based on data from sales receipts excluding refund receipts.
Receipts quantity - the total number of sales receipts for the selected period, excluding refund receipts.
Stock quantity - the number of products available in the store and/or in the warehouse at the end (beginning) of the last day of the selected period.

Table of metrics

At the bottom of the page, a table displays data for the selected period. It includes the following metrics:

Planogram Name
Planogram Type — Basic / Additional
Total turnover of products on the planogram for the selected period.
Turnover share of store, %
Turnover share of store, % = (Turnover of products on the planogram × 100) / Sum of turnovers of all planograms of the plan.
Turnover per linear m. of equipment
Turnover per linear m. of equipment = Turnover of products on the planogram / Linear meters of equipment.
Sales qty
The total number of product sales on the planogram during the selected period.
Share of sales from the store, %
Sales qty share from of store, % = (Sales qty of products on the planogram × 100) / Sum of sales of all planograms in the plan.
Receipts qty
The number of unique product entries in receipts during the selected period.
Receipts qty share of store, %
Receipts qty share of store, % = (Number of unique product entries in receipts on the planogram × 100) / Sum of unique entries in receipts for all planograms in the plan.
The total profit of all products on the planogram for the selected period.
Profit share of store, %
Profit share of store, % = (Profit of products on the planogram × 100) / Sum of profits of all planograms in the plan.
Profit per linear meter of equipment
Profit per linear meter of equipment = Profit of products on the planogram / Linear meters of equipment.
Stock qty
The total stock of all products on the planogram at the end of the selected period.
Stock qty share of store, %
Stock qty share of store, % = (Stock of products on the planogram × 100) / Total stock of products across all planograms in the plan.
Stocks price
Stocks price = Cost price of products × Stocks quantity.

Updated on: 18/02/2025

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