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“Chain sales analysis” report

The updated “Chain sales analysis” report will help you analyze your chain's performance more efficiently by conveniently comparing sales between stores in your chain.

To access the report, click on the "Reports" block and then click on "Analytics".

The “Chain sales analysis” report contains a bar chart and a summary table with data on sales and the layout of the store chain.

Important! The “Chain sales analysis” report displays data on all current store plans. Inactive plans will not be displayed in the report.

Bar chart

The bar chart of the “Chain sales analysis” report simplifies the process of analyzing a large amount of data.

Note! When you hover the mouse cursor over a column, an informative tooltip is displayed with the name of the dimension, the value of the metric, and the value of the metric for the previous period.

The X-axis in the visualization displays the dimension selected for the report, and the Y-axis displays the metric set in the visualization setting.

When you click on the “More” tool (vertical ellipsis) in the upper right corner of the visualization, a list of available actions with the visualization expands:
Metric - the name of the selected metric. When you hover the mouse cursor over a metric, an additional list with a list of available metrics expands to the left of the action list.
Display - the name of the selected display. When you hover the mouse cursor over an item to the left of the action list, an additional list with a list of display types will expand.
Settings - click on the button to open the Visualization Settings pop-up window, where you can set the default value, adjust the number of elements, and personalize the visualization.
Save as .png - click on this button to download the visualization as a .png image.

Summary table

The summary table helps you to view store sales data to analyze your business correctly.

The data in the table are grouped by the Store plans dimension by default. Clicking on the arrow next to the name of the store plan will expand the dimension and go down to the next level.

Use the drop-down list at the top of the report page to select a different dimension:
Store Plans.
Planograms - dimension is available only when the calculation "Sales of laid out products only" is active, the calculation can be activated in the Filters.

To sort the values in a table column, click on the name of the required column:
First click – sort in ascending order.
Second click - sort in descending order.
Third click - the sorting in the column is canceled.

The toolbar is located in the upper right corner above the table:
Search - dynamic search by the name of the selected dimension (store plan, planogram, category).
Columns settings - when you click, a pop-up window "Columns settings" opens, select the columns you need to display and click the "Apply" button to change the report.

Important! Columns marked with * will be displayed in the table only if the "Sales of laid out products only" calculation type is activated, which can be enabled in the filters.

Save table template - saves the customized table view by default.


The filters of the “Chain sales analysis” report allow you to filter the data and analyze only the required sample.

When you click on the “Filters” tool at the top of the page, you open the Filters panel, where you can customize the settings:
Period - the main period of data selection.
Previous period - the previous period of data selection for comparison.
Calculation type - the type of data calculation for the bar chart and summary table. You can choose one of two types:
- All sales - the calculation is based on all sales, all products for the selected periods.
- Sales of laid out products only - the calculation is based on only the selected products on the planograms at the time of the analysis.
Planogram status - planogram statuses by which you can filter the data. The filter is available only for the Calculation type "Sales of laid out products only".
Store formats
Store groups

Click on the "Apply" button to apply the set filters in the report.

In order to download the report in .xls format, click on the "Download" button on the top panel of the report page. The downloaded file will contain two sheets: Histogram (a bar chart image in .png format) and Table (a summary table of data).

Important! The table in the uploaded file is displayed with collapsed levels. You can expand only those levels that were expanded before uploading the file.

Updated on: 16/10/2023

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