Articles on: View store plans

Quadrant analysis (Store plans)

How the quadrant analysis is formed

For each planogram, two metrics are calculated and then their average value is determined. The average value is calculated as the sum of all values of the selected metric for the planograms on the shop plan divided by the number of planograms.

Depending on the combination of values for the two selected metrics, the planogram falls into one of four quadrants:
Quadrant I: The values of both metrics are above average.
Quadrant II: The value of the first metric is below average and the value of the second metric is above average.
Quadrant III: The values of both metrics are below average.
Quadrant IV: The value of the first metric is above average and the value of the second metric is below average.

This allows you to quickly identify planograms with low performance or those that need to be optimised.

Metrics for which quadrant analysis is available

Sales qty
Receipts quantity
Stock qty
Stocks price
Turnover per linear meter of equipment
Profit per linear meter of equipment

This system allows you to combine metrics for more in-depth analysis, for example: Turnover and Sales qty or Profit and Stock qty.

Table with metrics

The table with data for the selected period is displayed at the bottom of the page. The table contains the following parameters:
Planogram name
Planogram type - Basic / Additional.
Total turnover of all products in the planogram for the selected period.
Turnover per linear meter of equipment
Turnover per linear meter of equipment = Turnover of products on the planogram / Square meters of equipment.
Sales qty
The total number of sales of all items on the planogram for the selected period.
Receipts qty
The total number of sales receipts (excluding the number of return receipts) for the selected period.
Receipts qty = (Number of product receipts × 100) / Sum of the number of receipts of all products on the planogram.
Total profit of all products on the planogram for the selected period.
Profit per linear meter of equipment
Profit per linear meter of equipment = Profit of products on planogram / Linear meters of equipment.
Stock qty
Quantity of products available in the store at the end of the selected period.
Stocks price
Stocks price = Cost price of products × Stocks quantity.

Updated on: 18/02/2025

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